My Etsy webshop...

Items on my website are linked to Etsy. In my Etsy shop is it possible to pay safe and simple with Paypal, Ideal or credit card.

Are you living in Dordrecht or nearby? Please send your order per mail and pick it up in my studio.

Tokek webshop

Where to find Tokek items in real life?

A webshop is super easy of course but sometimes you like to see and feel the items before buying. You can find a selection of my products in the below shops!

Tokek items for sale:

Maritiem Museum Rotterdam
Leuvehaven 1

Motiflow pattern
At motiflow can you find some of my patterns on fabric (cotton, satin and tricot), wallpaper and wrapping paper.


Do you live in Dordrecht, the Netherlands or nearby and you like to see a items first or want to pick up something. No problem, you can contact me any time.


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